Our Story

Wysiwash was co-founded by Ken Hungerford and Duncan Dowling, driven by a shared vision to transform safety and hygiene in environments where humans and animals coexist. This commitment was sparked by Ken’s firsthand experience with the operational challenges in animal shelters, influenced by his mother’s relentless efforts in dog rescue. Recognizing the potential of their innovative disinfecting system, Ken utilized a Wysiwash prototype in his own dog training facilities, where its exceptional efficacy and simplicity in combating diseases like Parvo and Giardia were strongly evident.

This initial success spurred the duo to acquire and further enhance the technology initially pioneered by Dr. Brent Hoadley. Their focused development led to the current Wysiwash system, renowned for its effectiveness, and it is now a staple in kennels, food processing plants, schools, and janitorial and sanitation sectors globally. Looking ahead, Wysiwash is dedicated to continuous product innovation and the development of many new products aimed at safeguarding both people and animals from health risks, ensuring a safer and cleaner future for all.