Wysiwash Solves Problems

Wysiwash improves user safety because it requires no mixing of dangerous chemicals! As a result, eye and skin safety is greatly enhanced. Wysiwash is so easy to use that workers will use it more frequently, resulting in a cleaner and safer work environment. The home user will benefit as well from its magical simplicity and easy storage.

In the time it takes to snap the Wysiwash to a garden hose, Wysiwash users begin safely eliminating dangerous pathogens. Its point and spray system makes it a snap to clean and sanitize virtually anything. Wysiwash users routinely comment that at a minimum the unit has reduced cleaning times by half. Our belief, based on our own tests, is that the actual reduction in cleaning time is closer to two thirds or more; saving time means saving money! Wysiwash will insure businesses of a substantial increase in their return on investment due to increased productivity, reduced injuries, and dramatically decreased material costs.

The biodegradable cleaning solution used with the Wysiwash system is also ultra safe to the environment, so there is no need to worry about dangerous residual material that can cause harm. Hypochlorous acid has been used for decades to safely sanitize drinking water, swimming pools, and processed food, so users can trust Wysiwash to eliminate pathogens without endangering people, pets or the environment.